how can I best help you?


I’m a photographer and web designer based in Altrincham, South Manchester

how can I best help you?

I specialise in portrait, landscape and opera photography and also offer a β€œcomplete website package” where I can offer headshots, photos of your business and design your new website so you can manage it yourself afterwards.

Over the years I’ve built a portfolio career as a professional photographer, opera singer, wardrobe assistant and singing teacher. I have a MMus from the RNCM, a Bachelor in Theatre Sciences and Musicology from Ghent University and I’m a qualified teacher. When my son was born in 2021 I quickly realised that an opera career wasn’t as compatible with being a mum as much as I would like, so I decided to change my focus completely to photography and web design.

I prefer working with daylight in casual surroundings while having a chat making sure you’re at ease and relaxed. It’s the little moments in between that make the best shots!